There are many different ways that people in New Jersey raise their children. When couples are living together, generally they each have various roles they take on and certain patterns emerge for who takes care of which responsibilities. Couples also may share all the responsibilities of raising their children. This will work as long as the couple is living together. However, it will not continue to work if the couple divorces or ends their relationship.
When couple’s divorce, one of the big decisions that must be made is which parent will have custody of the children. This decision determines not only which parent will make the decisions for the children, but also when they will have the children in their care. These are not easy decisions though. It can be very difficult to really determine how the parents raised their children within their home. However, it is a decision that needs to be made and it is made by determining what is in the best interests of the children.
To do this judges will analyze a number of different factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, the parent’s ability to communicate and agree about their children; the children’s interaction and relationship with each parent and their siblings; the needs of the children; the stability of each parent’s home; the preferences of the children if they are mature enough; whether there is any domestic abuse; whether one parent has substance abuse issues and many others.
Divorce is becoming more and more common in New Jersey and custody of the children is one of the important issues that must be determined during the process. It can be a very difficult and emotional decision as determining when people will be able to see their children is not easy. However, it must be done and the decision will be based on what is in the best interests of the children. Experienced attorneys understand the complications associated with these matters and may be able to guide one through the process.