Driving while impaired (DWI) charges are relatively common in New Jersey. Allegations of intoxication at the wheel can lead to incarceration, financial penalties and driver’s license consequences. Someone who pleads guilty to a DWI charge also has to deal with the chilling effect that a criminal record creates. A prior drunk driving conviction may turn up every time someone applies for a new job, seeks a promotion or looks for rental housing.
Some people who didn’t necessarily break the law can get swept up in enforcement efforts, especially if they have medical conditions that can compromise the accuracy of law enforcement testing. The following are the three situations that lead to the vast majority of DWI arrests in New Jersey.
Targeted traffic stops
Police officers out on traffic patrol constantly screen for signs of chemical intoxication. They may pull over and arrest any driver who displays clear signs of intoxication at the wheel. Factors like driving unreasonably slow, breaking for no reason and swerving over the center line can all lead to police officers stopping a specific motorist because they suspect chemical impairment.
Post-collision investigations
Police officers responding to news of a crash have to determine the underlying cause of the wreck. There is a strong connection between chemical intoxication and increased crash risk. Allegations of erratic driving or unusual behavior from anyone involved in a crash might prompt a police officer to screen people for signs of intoxication. Even those who aren’t technically at fault for collisions can face arrest if they fail chemical tests.
Sobriety checkpoints
Sometimes, local police departments set up a roadblock at a busy location or on the night of a major event. They then briefly screen every driver who passes through that DWI checkpoint or sobriety roadblock. The goal is both to deter impaired driving in general and to catch as many intoxicated motorists as possible in a short amount of time.
Depending on the unique factors present at the time of someone’s arrest, there can be a variety of different defense options available to those facing DWI charges. Choosing to fight back against charges instead of pleading guilty could help a defendant avoid penalties that can change the course of their life.